We especially encourage contributions addressing the following topics:

(1) Mechanisms and processes of crustal thickening, uplift and deformation
(2) Modern and ancient volcanism and magmatism
(3) Interactions between climate, surface and lithospheric processes
(4) The seismic cycle and active deformation
(5) Sedimentary basins and petroleum geology
(6) Andean geological resources, mineral deposits and geothermal resources
(7) Geological hazard and risk, with emphasis on seismic, volcanic, and gravitational phe nomena

Each participant will be allowed one oral contribution as first author. Communications must be written in English and should be 1 page-long, including text and references. Abstracts should be submitted before May 15th 2019. In order to submit an Abstract, you should register to the conference by filling the corresponding Registration Form, and then you will receive a confirmation email with a link for submit your Abstract(s). If you wish to submit more than one Abstract, please use the same provided link.

Talks will last 12 minutes each, and will be followed by 3 minutes of discussion. For oral and poster sessions, the preferred language is English, although Spanish is also accepted. However, there will be no facilities for simultaneous translation. There will be a poster session each day (from 16h30 until 18h00). Posters will remain on display all day long. Maximum dimensions for posters are 80 cm in width (horizontal) and 110 cm in height (vertical).

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